Student Responsibilities

Shortreed Community Elementary School Code of Conduct

One of our goals at Shortreed Community Elementary School is to prepare students for a successful future. To achieve this goal and support students in their learning we strive to create a school climate where students feel safe, happy, and challenged. Our students have rights and responsibilities that impact their school experience. Our Code of Conduct guides their right to a quality education and their responsibility to work hard and conduct themselves appropriately.

All students are subject to our Code of Conduct while at school, traveling to and from school, and while attending all school-sponsored activities and functions. Our Code is guided by the need for all students to contribute to the classroom and school community in a positive way.

The students practice responsible behaviour through our CARES program that represents the following:
Cooperation Accountability Respect Effort and Enthusiasm Safety

It is our aim that:

  • all students and staff will feel safe, valued, and trusted
  • staff, students, and parents will work together respectfully
  • on-going communication with parents will exist so that they have the opportunity to be involved in their children’s education.

We believe that the responsibility for developing appropriate student behaviour in school is shared among
students, staff, and parents.

Students have a responsibility to respect the rights of others and to become active participants in their own learning and social growth.
Educators have a responsibility to establish a positive, safe school environment that helps students in developing a sense of self-discipline and responsibility.
Parents have a responsibility to establish a positive learning environment at home, to be aware of school policies and procedures and to support the staff in their effort to maintain a safe school.

We expect our students to:

  • respect themselves, others, and the school
  • avoid physical contact with other students (hands and feet to self)
  • report incidents of bullying and/or harassment
  • be truthful
  • solve conflict in a peaceful way
  • participate in class and not disturb the learning
  • dress in respectful and appropriate ways for a learning environment
  • respect and follow Shortreed’s Code of Conduct

It is unacceptable for students to:

  • disrupt the learning of others
  • be physically aggressive
  • bully, harass, tease or intimidate others or be a witness of such acts and not report the behavior to an adult
  • use foul language or swearing
  • use threats, physical violence, or retribution against a person who report unacceptable behaviours
  • promote hatred or discrimination
  • threaten or intimidate others using technology (cyber-bullying)

This list includes examples of inappropriate behaviours but is not exclusive.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behaviour:
Poor conduct will result in disciplinary action. The severity and frequency of inappropriate conduct as well as the age and maturity of students is considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action. At all times the desire is to ensure that respect, positive relationships and dignity for all staff and students are maintained. Our aim will be to develop consequences that are preventative and restorative rather than punishing.
At Shortreed Community Elementary School administration and staff have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct.

  • parents of student(s) involved as deemed necessary
  • school district officials- as required by school district policy
  • police and/or other agencies – as required by law
  • all parents – when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it, usually through notices or newsletters.

Shortreed Community Elementary

27330 28 Avenue, Aldergrove
BC, V4W 3K1
Phone: 604-856-4167
Fax: 604-856-7523